Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11th

In our vigilance for those who had their lives taken from them 10 years ago, let us make sure that our vigilance is that of sorrow over loss of human life. Let it not come from some vengeful patriotism, because that is the same alleged mindset that drove those evil people to murder 3,000+ all those years back. Let us also remember that those losers don't represent my faith (Islam) any more than the Crusaders represented Christianity. Let us pray everyday that God protect us and our loved ones from such disasters and let us trust that justice will be served, in this life and the next. Let us fight oppression by educating ourselves and bringing an end to ignorant bigotry.

In the final words of the late Mark Stroman- "Hate is going on in this world and it has to stop. In the free world, I was free but I was locked in a prison inside of myself because of the hate I carried in my heart..."

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Big Bang Theory in the Quran

The Big Bang Theory and the Quran

Since the earliest recorded era, Earth’s inhabitants have used astronomy for several purposes. Many of these uses have surprised and delighted modern astronomers. Mayans are well known for their use of astronomy to create incredibly precise calendars. The Aryan civilization of India is credited with producing the oldest recorded Sun Clock, which is said to have paved the way for how the rest of the world would eventually record and decipher exact portions of day. The Ancient Greeks are perhaps best remembered for their use of astronomy to form their theories of “gods” and “goddesses”. Many cultures formed astrological theories around astronomy including Hindus, Persians, Arabs, Babylonians, Ancient Egyptians, Greeks (Hellenistic) and Mayans. Astronomy was and is mankind’s way of relating to the cosmic realm both scientifically and spiritually. Christians, Jews, and Muslims make up more than half of the Earth’s human population and hold the common belief that one God Created the Universe, giving them the modern distinction of monotheistic faith. The Bible gives a broad depiction of how the “Heavens and Earth” came into existence at the direct command of God, often coming across rather ambiguous. While the Quran states that the celestial bodies were created at God’s command it goes into deeper scientific explanation of how the Universe was formed. The extent of scientific dialogue found in the Quran referencing the universe includes exact material used to form stars and planets, gravity and even the atom and how all of these worked together to become what scientists are finding today, bringing to light the possible validity of the Quran as a mystical source.
The Quranic description of how the universe started isn’t unlike the modern “Big Bang Theory”, the only difference being the root of the material existence. The Quran 21:30 states “Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were of one mass, then I parted them, and made every living thing of water.” (It is important to note that the term “heavens” here is in reference to the universe.) The Big Bang theory is the idea that the universe had a “dense, hot beginning spanning a few millimeters across.” (Hawking/Mlodinow 2010) and goes on to theorize that this dense material parted in all directions.
The universe must have been smaller in the past. In fact, if we extrapolate to the distant past, all the matter and energy in the universe would have been concentrated in a very tiny region of unimaginable density and temperature, and if we go back far enough, there would be a time when it all began - the event we now call the big bang. (Hawking/Mlodinow 2010)
The claim found in the Quran that all universal material was one mass that was parted, is a rather direct claim and one that likely made very little sense in its time. As mankind find more and more ways to pierce the unknown realm of outer space, we find more and more proof of this material separation.

The strongest proof we have that the “big bang” occurred is through something called “universal expansion”. In 1929 Edwin Hubble, used his 100-inch telescope on Mount Wilson to analyze the emitting of light concluding that “All galaxies are moving away from us, and the further away they are, the faster they are moving.” (Hawking/Mlodinow 2010) The Hubble telescope eventually proved this expansion.
Astronomers had learned that by analyzing the light from other galaxies, it was possible to measure whether (other galaxies) are moving toward us or away from us. To their great surprise they had found that nearly all galaxies are moving away. Every galaxy is moving away from every other galaxy. The universe is expanding. The discovery of the expansion of the universe was one of the great intellectual revolutions of the twentieth century. It came as a total surprise, and it completely changed the discussion of the origin of the universe. (Hawking 2001)
This expansion is mentioned in the Quran chapter 51 verse 47, which states, “And it is I who built the universe with creative power, and verily I am steadily expanding it." An expansion of celestial bodies would indicate that at some point they were closer to each other, suggesting that all material was one mass of material that parted at some point. Stephen Hawking has stated “If galaxies are moving apart now, it means that they must have been closer together in the past. About fifteen billion years ago, they would have all been on top of each other and the density would have been very large.” (Hawking 2001)
When comparing the big bang theory with the Quranic claim of how the universe started, we find several striking similarities with the only noticeable difference being the creative force behind the materials and cause of expansion. The Quran claims that God was the creative force who created the materials to part and decreed their expansion. The Big Bang theory states that an enormity of dense heat forced the materials apart and after the materials parted, they continued (and still continue) to expand. The idea behind this expansion is not to say galaxies are themselves expanding, but rather that the space between the galaxies is.
It is important to realize that the expansion of space does not affect the size of material objects such as galaxies, stars, apples, atoms, or other objects held together by some sort of force…rather, because the galaxies are bound by gravitational forces, the circle and the galaxies within it would keep their size. (Hawking/Mlodinow 2010)
Gravity is the name given to the force that holds celestial bodies together and though there have been theories of how gravity works, there has yet to be any fool-proof claims presented. As Steven Hawking states, “We cannot solve exactly the equations governing gravitational interactions of every atom in a person’s body with every atom in the earth.” (Hawking/Mlodinow 2010)
What we do know about gravity is that it is the label we have given the force that holds all things together and that without this force, life would not be possible. The clearest explanation found in the Quran referencing this force called gravity is found in chapter 41 verse 11 which states, “Moreover He comprehended in His design the sky, and it had been smoke: He said to it and to the earth: ‘Come ye together, willingly or unwillingly.’ " This verse indicates that God forced these celestial bodies together and that this creative command is what holds them together. While this verse doesn’t chronicle a provable scientific theory, it provides an answer for a currently unsolved phenomenon. This phenomenon is what Stephen Hawking believes to make every material thing possible. “Because there is a law like gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing.” (Hawkings/Mlodinow 2010) This could be true, however, Hawking goes on to claim that because of this, “it is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the universe going.” The problem with this statement isn’t one of religious dispute; rather the problem is that this statement fails to give a proper explanation for the root cause of gravitational force. One can’t fully discredit the idea of a creative force if they haven’t disproven it and they certainly can’t discredit a creative force, like a God of creation, on the basis of a law that doesn’t even have a proven cause. It is fallible reasoning to claim that because there is gravity, a creative force isn’t necessary since there is not any set theory for the cause behind the force of gravity. If there were proof that some material source caused gravity to occur than Hawking’s statement could hold longevity, until then mankind is left with out provable scientific equation either way. A direct description for what we know about gravity is that it is the “natural force by which masses are drawn together by mutual attraction.” (Clark 1994) It gives a name to the physical ability for earthly inhabitants to walk the earth without floating away; it does not give a cause or source, although some theories have been made with out substantial evidence. If there is no proven cause behind gravity, how can we possibly discredit the idea of a creative force on its account? The Quran’s claim that God decreed that these materials were forced together upon command not only describes the law of gravity, as we call it, but also gives an explanation for the force behind the phenomenon, which is no less or more provable than any theories for its cause thus far. One theory relating the cause of gravity includes Einstein’s general relativity theory, which implicates that “It is impossible in a small region to distinguish between acceleration and gravitational effects.” (Clark 1994) The theory sums up gravity in terms of a four-dimensional space-time continuum in accordance with the speed of light.
While this theory has given many astronomers possible insight into reactions such as “black holes”, it still doesn’t provide a root cause behind gravity. No person knows the complexities behind gravitation; only its effects, therefore what we know about gravity could not possibly disprove a God of creation as Hawking claimed.
The verse found in chapter 41:11 of the Quran specifically refers to the material that made up the universe as “smoke”. The verse goes even further to state that when God commanded that this material “come together” (what we know as gravity), it formed the separation of sky and earth. In the broader sense this refers to all celestial bodies and the space between. Smoke is made up of dust, gases and water particles. It has become clear with the help of the Hubble telescope that nebulas are “masses of dust or gas…caused by a large cloud of stars that are far away.” (Oxford 2000). Pictures of nebulas taken by the Hubble telescope depict loose swirls of smoke that are in the process of forming new galaxies. Closer to earth we find the sun, which is the star nearest to earth. Stars are “large balls of burning gas in space.” (Oxford 2000). Even our known planets were comprised of particles found within smoke such as dust, gas and water. It is proven that the formations within galaxies found across the universe are made up from the particles found within smoke. The galaxies that began to form from the material that expanded after the “big bang” consists of “a large system of stars, interstellar matter, and dark matter that is held together by gravity.” (Hawking/Mlodinow 2010) Such materials, as previously stated, are what make up smoke. The gas that is most present in smoke is carbon dioxide; a gas, which Stephen Hawking states, is one of the most vital, if not the most vital, elements in helping to form a protective and habitable planet such as Earth.
It is doubtful that life could have spontaneously evolved in the absence of carbon. The reasons for that are technical but have to do with the unique manner in which carbon bonds with other elements. Carbon dioxide, for example, is gaseous at room temperature, and biologically very useful…the fact remains that we are a carbon life-form, and that raises the issue of how carbon, whose nucleus contains six protons, and the other heavy elements in our bodies were created. (Hawking/Mlodinow 2010)

Another component found within smoke is water vapor. Astronomers have searched other planets and even the moon for water in hopes that life could possibly thrive there. An interesting statement is found in the Quran 21:30 referencing the necessity of water for life.
“Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and Earth were of one mass, then I parted them, and made every living thing of water?”
Water is a fundamental necessity for life to occur. 1400 years ago it may have been obvious that living beings needed water to survive, it wasn’t known, however, the complexities of the necessity of water to form life. The other known planets are made up of mainly the same material as Earth, but Earth is unique in that it has everything it needs to shelter life perfectly. The distance of the sun, the nearness of the moon, the atmosphere, oxygen and water are all key elements that work together to make life on Earth possible. Water could not exist on earth if any of the other elements were missing and the human body is made with anywhere from 70%-80% water. Upon death the main elements that cause decay are lack of oxygen to the body and loss of internal liquids including tissue moisture, blood and liquid held within organ cavities. Dehydration shows the vital necessity of water, so much so, that if one day passes without it our brain literally begins to shrink.

The proximity of the sun to the Earth plays a vital role in precipitation and our Earth’s ability to contain water. The Quran chapter 21 verse 33 states “God is the one who created the night, the day, the sun and the moon. Each one is traveling in a separate orbit with its own motion.” An important thing to note in this verse is the idea that the moon and sun have separate orbits. Some claim that the reference of the Sun’s orbit was a fallacy of its time, claiming that because many in Muhammad’s time believed the Sun orbited around the Earth, that this Quranic verse was also making that cultural claim. The planets have a similar orbit, around the sun, which are separate from the orbit of the moon and the orbit of the moon is separate from that of the sun. The moon’s orbit is rather common knowledge, however, the sun’s orbit is not well known. Dr. Maurice Bucaille wrote a book titled, The Bible, The Quran and Science, which compared science found within scriptural text with western science.
In the book, Bucaille describes the separate orbit of the sun.
Our galaxy includes a very large number of stars spaced so as to form a disc that is denser at the center than at the rim. The sun occupies a position in it, which is far removed from the center of the disc. The galaxy revolves on its own axis, which is its center with the result that the Sun revolves around the same center in a circular orbit…The above is the orbital movement of the Sun that was already referred to by the Quran fourteen centuries ago. The demonstration of the existence and details of this is one of the achievements of modern astronomy. (Bucaille 1979)

Bucaille addresses the idea that most holy books or scripts have some provable evidence followed up by a ton of contradictions; contradictions that are yet to be found within the Quran.
It is quite common in the works of the great philosophers of antiquity to find a mixture of valid and invalid idea about the Universe. The brilliance of these human works comes from the advanced ideas they contain, but they should not make us overlook the mistaken concepts, which have also been left to us. From a strictly scientific point of view, this is what distinguished (separated) them from the Quran. In the latter (the Quran), many subjects are referred to have a bearing on modern knowledge without one of them containing a statement that contradicts what has been established by present-day-science. (Bucaille 1979)

The existence of water, dust, gases and gravity make it possible not only for life to thrive in a perfect habitat, but combined they also make everything in the universe possible whether seemingly abstract or incredibly precise. The Quran details this in a way that no other holy book ever has, 1400 years before western astronomers were to prove any of it. The Quran states in reference to the universe is that an event similar to the “big bang” occurred at the command of God and that the mass of materials formed a “smoke” which expanded, and continues to expand. These materials were then commanded to bond together, something we refer to as gravity, and with water, God made every living thing. How could such complex secrets be known to a man like Muhammad who could not read or write? No other religious text in the world coincides with the big bang theory the way the Quran does, and the striking similarities between the two are astonishing, The Quran chronicles correct scientific data in several fields beyond astronomical science, leaving one to wonder whether the Quran really could have come from the Creator of the universe.

Works Cited

Bucaille, Maurice. 1979. The Bible, The Quran and Science. American Trust Publications.
p 107-109.
Clark, J.O.E. 1994. Matter and Energy: Physics in Action. Oxford University Press. P 30,
Hawking, Stephen. 2001. The Universe in a Nutshell. Bantam Books. Random House
Publications. P 22, 76.
Hawking/Mlodinow. 2010. The Grand Design. Bantam Books. Random House
Publications. P 32, 124, 125, 157, 180, 184.
Hornby. A.S. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary. Oxford University Press. 2000. P
850, 1264

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Why are we here?

I had an epiphany the other day when hearing a hadith about one of the gifts that the inhabitants of Paradise will receive upon entering Paradise. The hadith states that Allah will uncover his face and all of the people who had earned Paradise will fall down in prostration. Then Allah will tell the worshipers that there is no longer worship. Only honor. Allah will honor them for their good deeds. This is where the epiphany comes along. Many times we question why God would put us here in the first place and every time I have asked this I don't get much of an answer and I have even had people tell me not to question things as this might put me into disbelief. Now I do agree that there are some silly questions that don't have much point behind them and to complex yourself over such things could be useless but to question why we are here is a rather cosmic question and to search for an answer within Islamic text is not something ludicrous. In fact, when I have these sort of question marks floating around in my head it is usually only because I have so much belief in what I am asking about that I want to know more. I have the type of mind that if I am not asking questions than there is a problem and as a Muslim I trust the Quran when it says that within the text of the Quran is an example (in some form or another) for everything. I studied the Quran for myself and came across a couple verses stating that we are only made to worship and that Allah put us on earth to judge which of us are best in deed. As a former Christian I read the Bible several times and what I noticed most is that the prophets emphasized humility and kindness to others. In Islam these actions are part of worship. Our daily prayers are one on one worship with Allah but our good actions toward mankind (contrary to modern belief that Muslims are taught to harm others) are also a form of worship because if we truly worship Allah in prayer from a genuine and grateful heart then our love for Allah will overflow and manifest in our treatment toward others which is indeed much of our worship and exaltation of God. This was enough of an answer for me to calm the cosmic question of why we are here until I heard the hadith that refers to Allah showing himself to us and then telling us there is no longer worship, only honor. It sounds simple but to me it sealed up all the loose ends to my questioning of why we are here. With our sentence being only to worship and for Allah to judge which of us are good in actions comes something distinct that most other creation has not been appointed. That is free choice. The angels were created to do only what they are commanded. Most other creation only does what it was made to do while humans have free choice. Free choice is often confused with free will. However, I could will myself to grow wings and fly but it would never happen. This lack of free will is what SHOULD make mankind grateful and humble to their Creator but instead we find the evil amongst mankind trying to take on the role of free will. That is to be all powerful. The difference is that God never uses His free will for evil (only justice). Some of mankind however will take as much power as they can get their hands on regardless of the price others pay. Take for example Hitler, the man took the lives of many innocent people in very gruesome ways and for what? For power and domination. He took his free CHOICE and confused it with free will forfeiting the fact that he will face the One and only being who does have free will. When I read the Quran it refers to the inhabitants of the hellfire as the like. People who relentlessly choose evil over good and refuse to humble themselves in repentance. Those who associate partners with him forgetting that He alone is the all powerful and yet most merciful. They associate sons, statues, daughters, wives, other gods, etc. with Him. There is a hadith that states that on the day of judgment people will be faced with the things that they associated with God (Jesus, trees, etc.) and Allah will ask them if these attributed 'gods' can help them more than Himself. There is even a Quranic verse that says Allah asks Jesus (peace be upon him) if he ever asked people to put him equal with Allah. "And behold! God will say [i.e. on the Day of Judgment]: 'Oh Jesus, the son of Mary! Did you say unto men, worship me and my mother as gods in derogation of God?' He will say: 'Glory to Thee! Never could I say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing, You would indeed have known it. You know what is in my heart, though I know not what is in Yours. For You know in full all that is hidden. Never did I say to them anything except what You commanded me to say: 'Worship God, my Lord and your Lord.' And I was a witness over them while I lived among them. When You took me up, You were the Watcher over them, and You are a witness to all things'" (5:116-117)."

So in this I can find it plausible and even logical when Allah says we are made to worship and do good deeds. Part of those good deeds include turning to Him for forgiveness because that is admitting that you have transgressed bounds and it is also admitting that you are under God's governance not your own. ‎"O son of Adam, so long as you call upon Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind... O son of Adam, were you to come to Me with sins as great as the earth and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness as great as it."

If we use our free choice for good rather than evil Allah will reward us so much as to tell us we don't even need to worship Him anymore (of course naturally I believe we still will worship Him) and even further He will give US honor. Honor for our humility and self restraint. Honor for not using our distinct free choice and trying to compete with our Creator in making it free will. Honor for laying aside arrogance for gratefulness. Honor for using our money for charity instead of building our social credibility. (If we only obeyed Allah and all gave in charity and resisted the urge to overpower each other there would be no hunger or cruelty in the world).

Our Creator gave us something as unique and responsible as free choice so let's be careful to not turn this gift into a right and let us also be careful to use it for good rather than evil.

I testify that there is only One God and I testify that Muhommad, Jesus, Abraham, Moses, Noah, Adam, etc. were God's prophets. Peace be with you. Ameen.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Ramses II

The attached video summarizes one of my favorite miracles of the Quran.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Big Bang theory in the Quran?

The Big Bang theory in a nutshell states that the universe began when a quick expansion of gases occurred creating stars and planets and everything within our universe. Many Creationists refute this idea by saying that the Bible states that the earth was created in six days. What the Bible says is that God formed what is ON earth in seven days. Genesis 1:1-2 states "In the Beginning God created the heavens and the earth, Now the Earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep..." It goes on to say that God then took the six days to form what is on the earth. This doesn't refer to how the "heavens and earth" came into being. When the Bible and Quran state "heavens and earth" it isn't referring to the promised paradise after this life. The term "heavens" is referring to the skies and stars, etc. Interestingly the Quran talks about how the universe became what we see today in a way that has many scientists considering the validity of the Quran. The first verse that I find in reference to this is in the Quran chapter 21 verse 30 which states "Have not the people who have disbelieved ever considered this?: The heavens and the earth were one mass, then we parted them and created every living thing from water." In this verse the Arabic term for "parted" means "expansion". Modern scientists (with the help of technology) have found that the universe continues to expand slowly but steadily and assume based on this expansion as well as other factors (materials that form the universe) that all of the matter that we see in the universe was at one point one giant mass that began to expand. Now many people assume that the big bang theory is about a sudden explosion of gases and dust, however the genuine Big Bang theory is about a steady expansion of these materials. Now the problem here is that water was necessary for life to "occur". The above verse describes that how after this expansion of materials occurred Allah CREATED every living thing from water. This would imply that after Allah willed the universal expansion He then Created living things from water. Scientists have been searching planets and even the moon for water in hopes that such a discovery would prove life could exist on these planets. Every living thing could not exist with out water and most living things are at least 98% water. Even our blood is made from water while we are in the womb. Now Muslims are also informed that we are made up of dust as well which is obvious to anybody who has seen a decayed corpse. A human body dies and upon death there are two main factors that cause decomposition which includes lack of oxygen and lack of water. After we lose oxygen our heart stops and after our heart stops all of our water retention leaves the body leaving only dust and bones. Bones will eventually become dust as well.
The next Quranic verse that refers to the formation of the universe is found in chapter 41 verse 11- "Moreover He comprehended in His design the sky, and it had been as smoke; He said to it (the skies aka universe) and to the Earth "Come ye together willingly or unwillingly" They said "We do come together in willing obedience." This is referring to after the expansion of the universe. After the expansion there was "formless" smoke which was then set together in layers. In Arabic the terms have much more exact meanings which are hard to translate, however since there may not be exact words some Quranic translations have good description to detail the words more correctly. The most interesting part about this verse is the word "smoke". Smoke is made up of gases and water vapors. The particles and vapors found in smoke are also found throughout the universe. Take our sun for example; The sun (and other stars) is made up of mostly hydrogen and helium and the nebula's are also made up of these particles. These particles are more compact in the sun and less condensed throughout different nebula's which is perhaps why nebula's look so much like colorful smoke. The point is that the universe and everything in it was at some point (according to scientists) smoke which eventually "came together" forming planets and stars. AMAZING. Take also the saying "come ye together"; Science implies that some force holds the formed universal bodies together and they have called this force gravity. Of course gravity doesn't have a visual or physical form and is a theory to explain the force that is holding these bodies "together" and is also the force used to explain the expansion and movement of the universe. Take for example black holes, these are giant gravity machines which, according to theory, were former stars which had exploded from a burst of energy and the center of the star which consisted of gravity, remains leaving a black hole. If all celestial bodies have this center of gravity which holds the body together then the Quran gives a clearer explanation of the source than any scientific theory because every theory about gravity has yet to have a cut and dry explanation for the source. The so called greatest mind on earth, Stephen Hawkings, recently presented the claim that God doesn't have to exist due to the existence of gravity, yet even he can't explain this phenomenon that we label "gravity". With out this "gravity" the gases and particles could not have become planets and stars and in fact universal expansion would be impossible. In the Quran God details for us that this force was at His command which at least gives us an explanation for the source of this bonding agent that we have labeled gravity which is more of an explanation than any scientist has presented about the source of this phenomenon and hundreds of years before gravity was even a theory. The next Quranic verse which refers to universe formation is in chapter 51 verse 47 "And it is we who built the universe with creative power, and verily it is we who are steadily expanding it." (Note: The "we" in this verse is a plural of respect and it refers to God alone.) This verse is quite clear in reference to the continuing expansion of the universe (by God's will) which I previously stated. The Hubble telescope has managed to take incredible photographs of different nebula's over the past 20 years and scientists find that when comparing the pictures from 1990 to the pictures taken in 2010 there is with out a doubt universal expansion. Many scientists believe that this continuous movement defeats the monotheistic God because of the Creation story which has no description of universal expansion and that since this expansion appears "spontaneous" there is no Creative force behind it. The Quran informed us of this expansion and the forces behind it 1400 years ago. An overview of these verses indicates that there was a mass of material which expanded then particles and "smoke" came together forming planets, stars, etc. By water life was formed and the universe continues to expand. Many scientists use this "Big Bang" theory to disprove God, however here we can see God sending them clear evidence 1400 years ago about what they are just now proving this century.
"Have not the people who have disbelieved ever considered this?: The heavens and the earth were one mass, then we parted them and created every living thing from water."

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

They Had Miracles..We Have Signs

For the next two months I plan to post a series of mini-blogs based on signs and proofs from our Creator. Many people assume that Islam is based solely on faith, however something particularly unique about Islam is an emphasis on logic and proof. Scientific proofs and foretold signs have been proven and continue to be proven as will be seen in the future blog series called "They Had Miracles...We Have Signs". I gave the series this name after a friend of mine asked me how we can be sure that Islam (or any religion for that matter) is true since Islam's final Prophet died so many years ago. I explained to my friend that the Prophets were given miracles so that the people of their time couldn't deny their assigned prophet-hood and the prophets foretold of signs and proofs so people in the future would have proof from their Creator. Any questions about Islam or the content of my blog can be sent to

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Prophet...

In the Biblical book of John (injeel إنجيل) chapter 1 verses 19-25 the Jewish scribes and Pharisees ask John the Baptist (Yahya ibn Zacharriya) if he is the former prophet Elijah come back to life, then they ask him if he is the Messiah, then they ask him if he is "the Prophet". To each he replies "no". Who is this mysterious Prophet? In English we capitalize names and often use capitalization as a form of distinction. An example could be "god" meaning a false or stone god and "God" meaning the one true God. When this verse is read in the English Bible this distinct capitalization is found in reference to the Prophet. This verse also indicates that The Messiah (Jesus) and this Prophet were two separate entities. If we look into the history of the Hebrews we will find that they had three prophetic expectations including the return of the Prophet Elijah (book of Malachi chapter 4 verses 1-5), the Messiah (Jesus) and a final prophet who would serve as the seal of God's prophets. This verse indicates dually that the Messiah and the final prophet were two separate beings expected to come. The Pharisees again finish by asking "Why then do you not baptize if you are not Elijah, nor the Christ, nor the Prophet?" If Jesus were the finalization of sin and the only way between us and God then why would there be a final prophet to come? Why would there need to be a "seal of the prophets"? This seal of the prophets was expected to speak the literal words of God and these words were expected to not be changed at the hands of man by a single letter. Could this prophet possibly be the beloved Muhommed? By taking an unbiased look into the red letters (claimed Biblical words of Jesus) Jesus himself foretells of this prophet to come.
In the book of John chapters 15-16 Jesus speaks about one to come after him. John 15: 26-27 "When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me. And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning." And again in chapter 16: 5-16 "Now I am going to him who sent me, yet none of you asks me, 'Where are you going?' Because I have said these things, you are filled with grief. But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me; in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned.
"I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 14He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. 15All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you.
"In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me."
Here we find Jesus speaking about how he will leave (not die I might add) for a while and then return and in the meantime he will ask God to send this "counselor" who will "guide you into all truth". In Aramaic and Hebrew translations of this verse the word counselor is actually the name of "Ahmed". Christian leaders have tried to claim that this "counselor" is the holy spirit however as I said the oldest Biblical transcripts contain the name "Ahmed" (which is a variant and in fact the true name of Muhommed). Since many people don't know Hebrew or Aramaic we can turn to the movie "Passion of the Christ" which took exact Aramaic wording from the Bible including this verse and makes it possible for us to hear the name of Muhommed and even the name of Allah as found in the above verse. I will attach the segment of that movie at the end of this blog. Further evidence can be found in that Jesus states that this "Counselor" will not come until Jesus goes back to God. If "the Counselor" won't come until Jesus leaves then it can not be the "Holy Spirit" since several verses in the Gospels (injeel) state that the holy spirit was with Jesus (which is also stated in the Quran) while he was on earth. This verse also states that "this counselor" will not speak on his own but will speak only what he hears and will speak of things to come. The way the Quran was "produced" was by the angel Gabriel speaking God's exact words to Muhommed. Muhommed could not read or write and only repeated what he was told. The verse doesn't say that this counselor would write down what he was told (The way Moses did) but instead says he will speak what he hears. When Muhommed told his loved ones that he had been told the first revelation he thought he was possessed. His wife told him that he was known around Mecca for being an honest and good man and that he could not possibly be possessed. Eventually so many people were accepting the message that he was saying (Quran) but they couldn't make it public out of fear of the leaders of Mecca so they would have private meetings memorizing the words given to Muhommed word for word. This miraculous memorization by so many people has made it possible for the Quran not to be changed. Many times in history when something is written it either gets lost or changed over time and often times Holy scrolls were kept only to religious and political leaders. Reversely, with the Quran many people memorized it and therefore it became impossible for anybody to change it even by a single word. Could this seal of the prophets mentioned in the first chapter of John foretold to bring an unchangeable word from God be Muhommed and the unchanged Quran?
Holy Quran Surah 21:45 "Say, "I do but warn you according to revelation": But the deaf will not hear the call, (even) when they are warned!"