Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11th

In our vigilance for those who had their lives taken from them 10 years ago, let us make sure that our vigilance is that of sorrow over loss of human life. Let it not come from some vengeful patriotism, because that is the same alleged mindset that drove those evil people to murder 3,000+ all those years back. Let us also remember that those losers don't represent my faith (Islam) any more than the Crusaders represented Christianity. Let us pray everyday that God protect us and our loved ones from such disasters and let us trust that justice will be served, in this life and the next. Let us fight oppression by educating ourselves and bringing an end to ignorant bigotry.

In the final words of the late Mark Stroman- "Hate is going on in this world and it has to stop. In the free world, I was free but I was locked in a prison inside of myself because of the hate I carried in my heart..."