People say to me "if you think you can inherit heaven through good works then good luck." Well any reasonable person would question it at some point. The only way for me to be sanctified for committing a murder is through the death of another man? Him shedding his blood makes right all my wrongs? And when I do a wrong I merely ask forgiveness in the name of Jesus? If a person is truly sorry for their trespasses, why is so much harder to believe that our Creator alone could just accept their repentance then to believe that the only way is through the death of another person? I know my lord is a forgiving God and Jesus states this in Luke chapter 18. Ill get to that later. Ive come with ample verses from the four Gospels of Jesus because when I first examined Islam I thought, "so the only main difference between this and what I believe is the death of Jesus." I thought how could I be sure which one is the truth, so I turned to my scriptures and noticed that the red letters are Jesus words. Everything else is other people's words and opinions. So I read strictly what Jesus taught. At this I suppose I should clarify the basis of Islam. We have 5 pillars that we adhere to which include acceptance of faith (there is one God and Adam, Noah, Moses, Lot, John, Jesus, Muhommed and all prophets before Muhommed are His messengers.) Prayer, fasting during the month of Ramadhan, charity, and making pilgrimage to Hajj if we have the means. If I do these (the ones that I can afford to do) for the sake of God alone then not only will I sin less because trust me 5 prayers a day at specific times keeps your mind focused on not lying, stealing, cheating whatever. And when I do make a mistake I turn to prayer and repentance. Adhering to these acts make me love and fear to do the things that our Creator hates and keeps me straight, its only when I slack on prayers etc. that I start to fall into things of this world. God is surely the most forgiving and merciful. It was in the red letters that I found Jesus stressing exactly this. Not only does Jesus say to do these things but he stresses that you will be judged for your own actions (John 5 28-29 which Jesus also states that well be in our graves and will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment which every Muslim believes while most Christians believe we either go straight to heaven or hell). It was Paul's words etc that I found to declare Jesus as the sacrifice for sin, while Jesus continuously said to do good in order to inherit paradise. I mean that's what the majority of his parables were about.
Luke chapter 18:
18A certain ruler asked him, "Good teacher, WHAT MUST I DO TO INHERIT ETERNAL LIFE?"
19"Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good—except God alone. 20You know the commandments: 'Do not commit adultery, do not murder, do not steal, do not give false testimony, honor your father and mother.'[b]"
21"All these I have kept since I was a boy," he said.
22When Jesus heard this, he said to him, "You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."
23When he heard this, he became very sad, because he was a man of great wealth. 24Jesus looked at him and said, "How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God! 25Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
26Those who heard this asked, "Who then can be saved?"
27Jesus replied, "What is impossible with men is possible with God."
28Peter said to him, "We have left all we had to follow you!"
29"I tell you the truth," Jesus said to them, "no one who has left home or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God 30will fail to receive many times as much in this age and, in the age to come, eternal life."
Jesus told the man to do certain actions and to give charity in order to receive paradise.
Also in Luke 18:
9To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everybody else, Jesus told this parable: 10"Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11The Pharisee stood up and prayed about[a] himself: 'God, I thank you that I am not like other men—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. 12I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.'
13"But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, 'God, have mercy on me, a sinner.'
14"I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."
The man looked to Heaven (not to Jesus) and asked his creator to have mercy on him and for his repentance he is justified before God.
Also in Luke 18:
15People were also bringing babies to Jesus to have him touch them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. 16But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 17I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."
What makes children innocent? They don't have the intentions of harming others, they know they have a Creator and they do good. He says people who are like children (not immature, simply having good intentions in all things.) INHERIT PARADISE.
Also in Luke:
35As Jesus approached Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging. 36When he heard the crowd going by, he asked what was happening. 37They told him, "Jesus of Nazareth is passing by."
38He called out, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!"
39Those who led the way rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, "Son of David, have mercy on me!"
40Jesus stopped and ordered the man to be brought to him. When he came near, Jesus asked him, 41"What do you want me to do for you?"
"Lord, I want to see," he replied.
42Jesus said to him, "Receive your sight; your faith has healed you." 43Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus, praising God. When all the people saw it, they also praised God.
Notice all this man had to do was have faith and love God, also note that it says even though Jesus healed him, the healed man and the others praised God because Jesus would always say it was not him but the power given to him by God. It would be blasphemy to worship Jesus instead of God and that's why Jesus would say I am not good, worship God alone, etc. etc.
Luke 19:
A tax collector that Jesus visited,
7All the people saw this and began to mutter, "He has gone to be the guest of a 'sinner.' "
8But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, "Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount."
9Jesus said to him, "Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. 10For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost."
Jesus said he received salvation because the man gave up his ways, gave to charity, of course had fear and faith in God, and was willing to go the extra mile and pay back four times the amount he had taken from others. (Because tax is forbidden in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) In all of these examples, Jesus isn't just saying we should do these, he said these were the way for people to gain paradise. Interesting.
Luke 19:
11While they were listening to this, he went on to tell them a parable, because he was near Jerusalem and the people thought that the kingdom of God was going to appear at once. 12He said: "A man of noble birth went to a distant country to have himself appointed king and then to return. 13So he called ten of his servants and gave them ten minas.[a]'Put this money to work,' he said, 'until I come back.'
14"But his subjects hated him and sent a delegation after him to say, 'We don't want this man to be our king.'
15"He was made king, however, and returned home. Then he sent for the servants to whom he had given the money, in order to find out what they had gained with it.
16"The first one came and said, 'Sir, your mina has earned ten more.'
17" 'Well done, my good servant!' his master replied. 'Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities.'
18"The second came and said, 'Sir, your mina has earned five more.'
19"His master answered, 'You take charge of five cities.'
20"Then another servant came and said, 'Sir, here is your mina; I have kept it laid away in a piece of cloth. 21I was afraid of you, because you are a hard man. You take out what you did not put in and reap what you did not sow.'
22"His master replied, 'I will judge you by your own words, you wicked servant! You knew, did you, that I am a hard man, taking out what I did not put in, and reaping what I did not sow? 23Why then didn't you put my money on deposit, so that when I came back, I could have collected it with interest?'
24"Then he said to those standing by, 'Take his mina away from him and give it to the one who has ten minas.'
25" 'Sir,' they said, 'he already has ten!'
26"He replied, 'I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but as for the one who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away. 27But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me."
Well Muslims also believe Jesus will come back. In fact we believe that he didn't die on the cross but Jesus returned to God until time for his return. And we believe he s the Messiah. Messiah means to wipe or anoint because the Jews were asking for a king sent directly from God. And the way to anoint a king was to wipe oil across his forehead so Messiah (meaning to wipe or anoint) had nothing to do with being a quintessential savior, but instead the fulfillment of a promise that God had granted the Jews. That's why Jesus said he had ONLY come for the lost sheep of Israel. Anyway, the above parable is Jesus clearly referring to himself as that king who would go to a distant place and return.(back to God until he returns to earth) The people were expected to spread the message he had given and when he returns the people who haven't spread his message or had faith in the message (not paul's message) will have nothing and what they do have will be taken away. He even goes so far as to say "those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them-bring them here and kill them in front of me." Muslims believe that when Christ returns he will kill the antiChirst and all his followers because they will be killing the believers. At this point there wont be any atheists etc. because they will all believe because they'll see the evidence so they will either be followers of Jesus or followers of the antiChrist it will be split between the two with no question that one of them is supreme. So the ones who decide to follow the antiChrist and massacre the ones who believe Jesus will be slain by Jesus himself as the above verse implies.
Anyway, I could go on and on with the red letters but I wont for now. I hope the people who read this at the very least take it into consideration. Knock and the door shall be opened.
Look at the words of Christ, look at the facts, and use logic and surely that will guide us correctly. Is it logical to think that God, who said in 1 Samuel that it is better to obey than to sacrifice, would need to send his son to be killed in order to accept a sincere heart? Do good to others follow Jesus words and actions, turn from harming others and repent for your wrongdoings and you will surely succeed here and in the afterlife. Just ask Jesus.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
its been a while
Sorry for my lack of posts, I've been out of the country for the past three months. Look for upcoming blogs soon.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Sodom and Gommorah
A while ago I went to the mall with my Aunt as we were hoping to get her a facial. However, we got there when every store was closing. As we were heading back to our car we walked by a stand that was selling Dead Sea products. The man selling it put his hands on me and he was Middle Eastern looking so I was a little surprised since it's considered disrespectful for a man to touch a woman (or vise versa) that he isn't related to. He said to me "don't worry I'm gay". I asked him where he was from and he said Israel. I simply told him that the same as I wouldn't want any girl touching my husband, I don't want any other man to touch me besides the men in my family.(It makes for greater purity). However what did interest me, is how the story of Sodom and Gommorah for Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike, is a place destroyed for illegal sexuality. The story for Christians and Jews is found in Genesis chapter 20. It starts with saying that angels came to Lot and that Lot prostrated himself (head to the ground the way the original Christans and Jews prayed and Muslims and Jews still pray). It talks about how some men came to the house of prophet Lot and asked for his male guests to fornicate with. Then Lot offers his daughters to "do what they please" with. (Which is also illegal sexual acts because you must be married and a woman can't have a bunch of men sleeping with her and verse 14 implies that his daughters were married.) It says the men refused this offer and still took to homosexuality. Then it goes on to say that Lot gathered the good people of the town and left because God was going to destroy the town with fire and brimstone. It talks about how Lot's wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt for deliberately disobeying. In Islam it's essentially the same except Lot pleaded with the men saying "O my people, here are my daughters(women of the town). They are purer for you if you marry. Now fear God, and cover me not with shame about my guests! Is there not a single right-minded man among you?" Islam also says that after the good people of the town left the town was scooped up by the Angel Gabriel (the angel who takes our soul when we die) then flipped over and slammed down and then showered with rock(brimstone). This could possibly explain why it's the lowest point on earth? The Quranic story also denies the incest between Lot and his daughters. Anyway, I thought it ironic that Sodom and Gamorrah was destroyed for it's homosexual acts, while here a gay man from that area was selling the salt and sulphate (which came from brimstone scientifically) as beauty products. I woudln't even put any on my skin because I would never dream to saturate my skin with a product that I truly believe was a sign to people. Of course non-monotheists think that this is not of a just God but the people were given much heed and God gave so many chances and yet they not only defied but also mocked yet another Prophet like they did with Moses, Noah, Jesus, Muhommed, etc. They even went so far as to try and break into Lot's home to take his guests to rape. Islamically, no "wrath" was ever put on a people with out warning and with out those people oppressing the rights of others or the logical laws decreed by God. Take the story of Noah. Noah warned the people who had killed prophets and turned away from the sanctity and peace that God's law provided, yet they mocked him and denied him and called him foolish and crazy. After much warning did God send the flood. Even Noah's own son denied it. If you think about it, that can be viewed as merciful, because at that time and still for Muslims, a person believed that after their death and resurrection from their grave on the day of judgment (which Jesus even warned about in John 5 28-29)they would be judged according to their deeds. So if this is true then the people at the time of Noah had no faith or fear of their actions except those who got onto the Arc, they would have procreated and we would have been from that generation we would have been taught such things. However since we all came from those who believed (on the Arc) we were taught by the people who listened to and feared their creator and enjoyed only what is noble and permissible for them and turned from that which is not permissible. Because of this flood (which has been proven scientifically and I hope to post a note on that subject soon) we have an easier way to find that which is correct for us. And Islamically, every law written for us (which was also given to all of the Ibrahimic prophets originally) has logic and can be easily defined as logical. There is a hadith that says that on the day of Judgement, God will ask each of us "did I not give you signs and prophets and a creed for the straight way to live your life?" Nobody on earth is born with out the natural instinct of what is good and bad, and nobody on earth has not heard of these prophets of old. Of course each of us will be judged according to our ability to find the truth. The ones who didn't have the resources necessary to find the truth will be judged according to the way they treated others on earth and the way they lived their life because it is instilled naturally in people. We aren't born sinners because then children and babies who die are responsible for what wrongs? I once heard that babies cry as soon as they are born and therefore they are selfish. Hence the ideology of original sin. Well if a person cries because they need something that they can't get for them self, is that a sin? The other ideology of original sin is that of Adam, Eve, and the forbidden fruit. Basically claiming that because they sinned all humans are of sinful nature. Well Eve never asked me if she should eat the fruit and my God is a just God. (as the Bible says, the son shall not bear the iniquity of the father nor the father the iniquities of the son) The Quran says every woman and every man will stand before God on the Day of Judgement and will stand to be judged according to their deeds and faith. God alone is enough of a saviour. He knows my intentions when I do anything and that's why we'll be judged according to our actions and intentions. (Behold to obey is better than sacrifice.) Also think of the verse where it says that God will not give a person more than they can handle. If we are ALL pre-destined to sin than isn't that giving us more than we can handle? Islam is simple in that is says to follow these basic permissible actions and deny these basic forbidden actions. Then it says if you break the law that forgiveness can be found in God the most merciful and the most just so long as we are willing to turn to righteousness(AKA right actions). It's as simple as that. Since God gave us free will and has promised in the Bible and Quran that he will not give us more than we can handle than it's up to us to live our lives within the perfect law given by God and if we do or don't we are judged according to our righteous deeds and our sinful choices. I am not forced to lie because God gave me the ability to choose. Therefore I don't need a mediator between myself and God. However, even if I was not given the ability to refrain from sin then I still wouldn't need a mediator because how can I be sinning if God mad me that way with no free will? As is found in Ezekial 18, we all sin but if we do RIGHTEOUS ACTIONS and turn from the sin than we can be forgiven. " The son will not bear the iniquity of the father, nor will the father share the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous man will be credited to him, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged against him." and verily not a word of the Law will be erased according to Jesus in
Matthew 5 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
18For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
19Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
20For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.
21Ye have heard that it was said of them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment:
22But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire. " It goes on to say the right things to do in order to please God and to enter Heaven's gates and ends with a verse that says to be perfect as God is perfect. Well of course none of us are perfect because we CHOOSE to follow vain and selfish desires, however this verse would imply that we are given the ability to act right in a way that is under God's constitution.
If the law is "abolished" through Jesus blood as Paul later says than this contradicts what Jesus himself said in that he hasn't (and never will) abolish a single law of God's. Are you following Christ or Paul?
May God lead us all to the straight path. Ameen.
Matthew 5 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
18For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
19Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
20For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.
21Ye have heard that it was said of them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment:
22But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire. " It goes on to say the right things to do in order to please God and to enter Heaven's gates and ends with a verse that says to be perfect as God is perfect. Well of course none of us are perfect because we CHOOSE to follow vain and selfish desires, however this verse would imply that we are given the ability to act right in a way that is under God's constitution.
If the law is "abolished" through Jesus blood as Paul later says than this contradicts what Jesus himself said in that he hasn't (and never will) abolish a single law of God's. Are you following Christ or Paul?
May God lead us all to the straight path. Ameen.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
The name Jehovah is said by Jehovah's witnesses to be the real name of God. They say that Jehovah is in the Hebrew texts 6,823 times. If you ask whether the Bible spells out the name Jehovah you will be informed that it is a tetragrammaton. A word that few people know of but even the most average of Jehovah's witnesses know by heart. What is a tetragrammaton you ask? Two words "tetra" "grammaton". In Greek Tetra means "four" and grammaton means "letters". So basically a tetragrammaton is the meaning for "four letters." I thought it amusing that a 14 letter word means "four letters". The four letters that this is referring to are YHWH. This is where a Jehovah's Witness derives the name of Jehovah. I've been learning Hebrew and the letter V is not existant in Classical Hebrew. (Yiddish yes, Hebrew no) The letter that common yiddish uses for the w sound is v. So take YHWH and "yiddishize" it and it becomes YHVH. Also in English we are infamous for obsessing over the letter J. Take the real names of Joshua, Judah, Joseph, Jonah, Jesus. Real names= Yeshua, Yehuda, Yusuf, Yunus, Yesa. (When can language translate a name? Even in English that's a no no. I'm "Ashley" here, I'm "Ashley" there, I'm "Ashley" everywhere) So let's assume that this infatuation with the letter J happened to those four letters making JHVH. So this is my guess as to how YHWH became Jehovah. I think it is also important to explain that in ancient Hebrew they didn't use vowels when writing so YHWH made more sense to them than it does to us because instead of writing the vowels they would just pronounce them while speaking. Now let's look at how the name of God was treated by the Israelites back then. It was regarded as unspeakable by humans, therefore they used words of prestige to describe God. Even to this day, my Jewish friends will not type God, and will instead type G-D out of fear of having to "erase" God. In Ancient Israel it was, in fact, punishable by death to even speak God's name unless you added a respectful term ahead of God's name. So let's look at the examples substituted for God's name. Let's start with Yehuwa (Jehovah or YHWH) Yehuwa when found in the Bible is always followed with the word "Adonai" or "Elohim". So what do these words mean when together? Yehuwa Adonai. This is where my Arabic comes in handy since Hebrew and Arabic are sister languages and I can catch onto words that are similar. The word Yehuwa actually comes from two words. Ye meaning Oh, and Huwa meaning he. So Yehuwa means Oh He. Now what does Adonai mean? Adonai is not and never was considered the straight up name of God. Adonai means Lord. The word Lord is an exclamation when exalting somebody, not only God. So as I said, in the Bible Yehuwa was often followed with the word Adonai meaning "Oh he is lord." Now take a look at the word Elohim. "im" is in Arabic a plural of respect. When you read the Quran and even the Bible translated into English you'll find where it says such things as "we" when referring to a single person because in those languages (Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew) when a person refers to themself it is disrespectful to say "I" and instead they add "im" or "in" to the end of a name to make the meaning "we" or "they". So on the word Elohim, the "im" at the end is a plural of respect. so that leaves us with "Eloh" This was supposed to represent God's name. You must also remember that there were no written vowels in ancient Hebrew so it would have been LHM. Which could easily have been (assuming what the vowels may have been) "Alahim". And if you consider that even today's Jews and Christians in the Holy lands (as well as several other parts of the world) call God "Allah" it would make sense that LHM could easily have been "Alahim". (To somebody like me, this is seen as a miracle because it proves that God's name would never be completely washed out.) So Yehuwa Elohim means "OH He is Eloh". Since you aren't supposed to translate a name in any language, Eloh would not be translated to God since it was used as a name and not an exaltation. So it would mean "Oh he is Eloh."
I also wanted to add the word Alleluiah. (Alleluya). Again Ya means "Oh" and in Hebrew, like Arabic, "ya" is ALWAYS at the beginning of a word. So that would make it YaAllelu. Sometimes you hear "Halleluiah". The H comes from the word, but it's not in front of Alle, it's in front of the u. So instead of YaAllelu the real word in Hebrew is YaAllehu. A person has to understand that the Semetic languages are written from right to left so sometimes when these words are translated into English they end up a little mixed. When you break down the word YaAllehu as we said, "Ya" means "Oh". Allehu means "Alle is". Making "Oh Alle is!" Lastly, when a person writes a word and puts it together like with YaAllehu. If the words were Alleh and Hu, one of the "H's" would be removed when combining the words, Oh Alleh is!
I also wanted to add the word Alleluiah. (Alleluya). Again Ya means "Oh" and in Hebrew, like Arabic, "ya" is ALWAYS at the beginning of a word. So that would make it YaAllelu. Sometimes you hear "Halleluiah". The H comes from the word, but it's not in front of Alle, it's in front of the u. So instead of YaAllelu the real word in Hebrew is YaAllehu. A person has to understand that the Semetic languages are written from right to left so sometimes when these words are translated into English they end up a little mixed. When you break down the word YaAllehu as we said, "Ya" means "Oh". Allehu means "Alle is". Making "Oh Alle is!" Lastly, when a person writes a word and puts it together like with YaAllehu. If the words were Alleh and Hu, one of the "H's" would be removed when combining the words, Oh Alleh is!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Single Creed
I chose the site name "SingleCreed" as a sort of description of the Islamic faith. Sadly, few people even know that Muslims believe in the same prophets and the same laws of the Bible. We believe that Adam was the first created man, we believe that Abraham was the father of many nations. We believe that, by God's will, Moses led the Israelites across the split sea, we believe Jonah was in the belly of the whale, we believe in Noah and the flood. We even believe in Jesus. With so many discussions about Islam circulating, the fact that so few American's know even the basics of this religion boggles my mind. I must admit that I was one of those people up until my final year of high school when I was informed that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all Abrahamic religions. I was then informed that Islam was predicted to be the leading religion by 2010. At this I rolled my eyes and preceded to post flyers around my high school in support of George Bush's second office term. Young and naive or young and stubborn-minded? Regardless of my annoyance and disbelief upon hearing such news, I have to say that the topic sparked my interest in learning about Islam. All though I never imagined I would become a true faith follower of the religion, I assumed I could learn a thing or two in order to better equip myself in understanding the world. Within time I realized that politics and religion are two very separate things. What a journey it has become. So what does all of this have to do with "SingleCreed"? Muslims believe that the original message given to Adam and then passed on to later generations changed at the hands of man. Hence the reason why so many prophets were sent in order to reiterate the original message. We believe this was continuously reiterated through Jesus up until Muhommed. (No, we don't worship Muhommed.) We believe Muhommed's message was the same one that all of the prophets, including Jesus, had held to. We believe that Muhommed was the final prophet and that God promised that the religion itself would not be contaminated again. Not a single word or creed has been removed from Islam since the Quran was revealed. We believe the creed found in the Quran is the same creed given since the beginning of Adam's existence, therefore we believe in a single creed. This is what my blogs are based on. My blogs emphasize my belief that even through the Bible, this creed can be found and proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. May we all find the straight path. Ameen! Matthew 7: 13 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." If Jesus is what I say he is (and what he says he is throughout the 4 gospels) this verse makes perfect sense.
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