Thursday, August 11, 2011

Big Bang Theory in the Quran

The Big Bang Theory and the Quran

Since the earliest recorded era, Earth’s inhabitants have used astronomy for several purposes. Many of these uses have surprised and delighted modern astronomers. Mayans are well known for their use of astronomy to create incredibly precise calendars. The Aryan civilization of India is credited with producing the oldest recorded Sun Clock, which is said to have paved the way for how the rest of the world would eventually record and decipher exact portions of day. The Ancient Greeks are perhaps best remembered for their use of astronomy to form their theories of “gods” and “goddesses”. Many cultures formed astrological theories around astronomy including Hindus, Persians, Arabs, Babylonians, Ancient Egyptians, Greeks (Hellenistic) and Mayans. Astronomy was and is mankind’s way of relating to the cosmic realm both scientifically and spiritually. Christians, Jews, and Muslims make up more than half of the Earth’s human population and hold the common belief that one God Created the Universe, giving them the modern distinction of monotheistic faith. The Bible gives a broad depiction of how the “Heavens and Earth” came into existence at the direct command of God, often coming across rather ambiguous. While the Quran states that the celestial bodies were created at God’s command it goes into deeper scientific explanation of how the Universe was formed. The extent of scientific dialogue found in the Quran referencing the universe includes exact material used to form stars and planets, gravity and even the atom and how all of these worked together to become what scientists are finding today, bringing to light the possible validity of the Quran as a mystical source.
The Quranic description of how the universe started isn’t unlike the modern “Big Bang Theory”, the only difference being the root of the material existence. The Quran 21:30 states “Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were of one mass, then I parted them, and made every living thing of water.” (It is important to note that the term “heavens” here is in reference to the universe.) The Big Bang theory is the idea that the universe had a “dense, hot beginning spanning a few millimeters across.” (Hawking/Mlodinow 2010) and goes on to theorize that this dense material parted in all directions.
The universe must have been smaller in the past. In fact, if we extrapolate to the distant past, all the matter and energy in the universe would have been concentrated in a very tiny region of unimaginable density and temperature, and if we go back far enough, there would be a time when it all began - the event we now call the big bang. (Hawking/Mlodinow 2010)
The claim found in the Quran that all universal material was one mass that was parted, is a rather direct claim and one that likely made very little sense in its time. As mankind find more and more ways to pierce the unknown realm of outer space, we find more and more proof of this material separation.

The strongest proof we have that the “big bang” occurred is through something called “universal expansion”. In 1929 Edwin Hubble, used his 100-inch telescope on Mount Wilson to analyze the emitting of light concluding that “All galaxies are moving away from us, and the further away they are, the faster they are moving.” (Hawking/Mlodinow 2010) The Hubble telescope eventually proved this expansion.
Astronomers had learned that by analyzing the light from other galaxies, it was possible to measure whether (other galaxies) are moving toward us or away from us. To their great surprise they had found that nearly all galaxies are moving away. Every galaxy is moving away from every other galaxy. The universe is expanding. The discovery of the expansion of the universe was one of the great intellectual revolutions of the twentieth century. It came as a total surprise, and it completely changed the discussion of the origin of the universe. (Hawking 2001)
This expansion is mentioned in the Quran chapter 51 verse 47, which states, “And it is I who built the universe with creative power, and verily I am steadily expanding it." An expansion of celestial bodies would indicate that at some point they were closer to each other, suggesting that all material was one mass of material that parted at some point. Stephen Hawking has stated “If galaxies are moving apart now, it means that they must have been closer together in the past. About fifteen billion years ago, they would have all been on top of each other and the density would have been very large.” (Hawking 2001)
When comparing the big bang theory with the Quranic claim of how the universe started, we find several striking similarities with the only noticeable difference being the creative force behind the materials and cause of expansion. The Quran claims that God was the creative force who created the materials to part and decreed their expansion. The Big Bang theory states that an enormity of dense heat forced the materials apart and after the materials parted, they continued (and still continue) to expand. The idea behind this expansion is not to say galaxies are themselves expanding, but rather that the space between the galaxies is.
It is important to realize that the expansion of space does not affect the size of material objects such as galaxies, stars, apples, atoms, or other objects held together by some sort of force…rather, because the galaxies are bound by gravitational forces, the circle and the galaxies within it would keep their size. (Hawking/Mlodinow 2010)
Gravity is the name given to the force that holds celestial bodies together and though there have been theories of how gravity works, there has yet to be any fool-proof claims presented. As Steven Hawking states, “We cannot solve exactly the equations governing gravitational interactions of every atom in a person’s body with every atom in the earth.” (Hawking/Mlodinow 2010)
What we do know about gravity is that it is the label we have given the force that holds all things together and that without this force, life would not be possible. The clearest explanation found in the Quran referencing this force called gravity is found in chapter 41 verse 11 which states, “Moreover He comprehended in His design the sky, and it had been smoke: He said to it and to the earth: ‘Come ye together, willingly or unwillingly.’ " This verse indicates that God forced these celestial bodies together and that this creative command is what holds them together. While this verse doesn’t chronicle a provable scientific theory, it provides an answer for a currently unsolved phenomenon. This phenomenon is what Stephen Hawking believes to make every material thing possible. “Because there is a law like gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing.” (Hawkings/Mlodinow 2010) This could be true, however, Hawking goes on to claim that because of this, “it is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the universe going.” The problem with this statement isn’t one of religious dispute; rather the problem is that this statement fails to give a proper explanation for the root cause of gravitational force. One can’t fully discredit the idea of a creative force if they haven’t disproven it and they certainly can’t discredit a creative force, like a God of creation, on the basis of a law that doesn’t even have a proven cause. It is fallible reasoning to claim that because there is gravity, a creative force isn’t necessary since there is not any set theory for the cause behind the force of gravity. If there were proof that some material source caused gravity to occur than Hawking’s statement could hold longevity, until then mankind is left with out provable scientific equation either way. A direct description for what we know about gravity is that it is the “natural force by which masses are drawn together by mutual attraction.” (Clark 1994) It gives a name to the physical ability for earthly inhabitants to walk the earth without floating away; it does not give a cause or source, although some theories have been made with out substantial evidence. If there is no proven cause behind gravity, how can we possibly discredit the idea of a creative force on its account? The Quran’s claim that God decreed that these materials were forced together upon command not only describes the law of gravity, as we call it, but also gives an explanation for the force behind the phenomenon, which is no less or more provable than any theories for its cause thus far. One theory relating the cause of gravity includes Einstein’s general relativity theory, which implicates that “It is impossible in a small region to distinguish between acceleration and gravitational effects.” (Clark 1994) The theory sums up gravity in terms of a four-dimensional space-time continuum in accordance with the speed of light.
While this theory has given many astronomers possible insight into reactions such as “black holes”, it still doesn’t provide a root cause behind gravity. No person knows the complexities behind gravitation; only its effects, therefore what we know about gravity could not possibly disprove a God of creation as Hawking claimed.
The verse found in chapter 41:11 of the Quran specifically refers to the material that made up the universe as “smoke”. The verse goes even further to state that when God commanded that this material “come together” (what we know as gravity), it formed the separation of sky and earth. In the broader sense this refers to all celestial bodies and the space between. Smoke is made up of dust, gases and water particles. It has become clear with the help of the Hubble telescope that nebulas are “masses of dust or gas…caused by a large cloud of stars that are far away.” (Oxford 2000). Pictures of nebulas taken by the Hubble telescope depict loose swirls of smoke that are in the process of forming new galaxies. Closer to earth we find the sun, which is the star nearest to earth. Stars are “large balls of burning gas in space.” (Oxford 2000). Even our known planets were comprised of particles found within smoke such as dust, gas and water. It is proven that the formations within galaxies found across the universe are made up from the particles found within smoke. The galaxies that began to form from the material that expanded after the “big bang” consists of “a large system of stars, interstellar matter, and dark matter that is held together by gravity.” (Hawking/Mlodinow 2010) Such materials, as previously stated, are what make up smoke. The gas that is most present in smoke is carbon dioxide; a gas, which Stephen Hawking states, is one of the most vital, if not the most vital, elements in helping to form a protective and habitable planet such as Earth.
It is doubtful that life could have spontaneously evolved in the absence of carbon. The reasons for that are technical but have to do with the unique manner in which carbon bonds with other elements. Carbon dioxide, for example, is gaseous at room temperature, and biologically very useful…the fact remains that we are a carbon life-form, and that raises the issue of how carbon, whose nucleus contains six protons, and the other heavy elements in our bodies were created. (Hawking/Mlodinow 2010)

Another component found within smoke is water vapor. Astronomers have searched other planets and even the moon for water in hopes that life could possibly thrive there. An interesting statement is found in the Quran 21:30 referencing the necessity of water for life.
“Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and Earth were of one mass, then I parted them, and made every living thing of water?”
Water is a fundamental necessity for life to occur. 1400 years ago it may have been obvious that living beings needed water to survive, it wasn’t known, however, the complexities of the necessity of water to form life. The other known planets are made up of mainly the same material as Earth, but Earth is unique in that it has everything it needs to shelter life perfectly. The distance of the sun, the nearness of the moon, the atmosphere, oxygen and water are all key elements that work together to make life on Earth possible. Water could not exist on earth if any of the other elements were missing and the human body is made with anywhere from 70%-80% water. Upon death the main elements that cause decay are lack of oxygen to the body and loss of internal liquids including tissue moisture, blood and liquid held within organ cavities. Dehydration shows the vital necessity of water, so much so, that if one day passes without it our brain literally begins to shrink.

The proximity of the sun to the Earth plays a vital role in precipitation and our Earth’s ability to contain water. The Quran chapter 21 verse 33 states “God is the one who created the night, the day, the sun and the moon. Each one is traveling in a separate orbit with its own motion.” An important thing to note in this verse is the idea that the moon and sun have separate orbits. Some claim that the reference of the Sun’s orbit was a fallacy of its time, claiming that because many in Muhammad’s time believed the Sun orbited around the Earth, that this Quranic verse was also making that cultural claim. The planets have a similar orbit, around the sun, which are separate from the orbit of the moon and the orbit of the moon is separate from that of the sun. The moon’s orbit is rather common knowledge, however, the sun’s orbit is not well known. Dr. Maurice Bucaille wrote a book titled, The Bible, The Quran and Science, which compared science found within scriptural text with western science.
In the book, Bucaille describes the separate orbit of the sun.
Our galaxy includes a very large number of stars spaced so as to form a disc that is denser at the center than at the rim. The sun occupies a position in it, which is far removed from the center of the disc. The galaxy revolves on its own axis, which is its center with the result that the Sun revolves around the same center in a circular orbit…The above is the orbital movement of the Sun that was already referred to by the Quran fourteen centuries ago. The demonstration of the existence and details of this is one of the achievements of modern astronomy. (Bucaille 1979)

Bucaille addresses the idea that most holy books or scripts have some provable evidence followed up by a ton of contradictions; contradictions that are yet to be found within the Quran.
It is quite common in the works of the great philosophers of antiquity to find a mixture of valid and invalid idea about the Universe. The brilliance of these human works comes from the advanced ideas they contain, but they should not make us overlook the mistaken concepts, which have also been left to us. From a strictly scientific point of view, this is what distinguished (separated) them from the Quran. In the latter (the Quran), many subjects are referred to have a bearing on modern knowledge without one of them containing a statement that contradicts what has been established by present-day-science. (Bucaille 1979)

The existence of water, dust, gases and gravity make it possible not only for life to thrive in a perfect habitat, but combined they also make everything in the universe possible whether seemingly abstract or incredibly precise. The Quran details this in a way that no other holy book ever has, 1400 years before western astronomers were to prove any of it. The Quran states in reference to the universe is that an event similar to the “big bang” occurred at the command of God and that the mass of materials formed a “smoke” which expanded, and continues to expand. These materials were then commanded to bond together, something we refer to as gravity, and with water, God made every living thing. How could such complex secrets be known to a man like Muhammad who could not read or write? No other religious text in the world coincides with the big bang theory the way the Quran does, and the striking similarities between the two are astonishing, The Quran chronicles correct scientific data in several fields beyond astronomical science, leaving one to wonder whether the Quran really could have come from the Creator of the universe.

Works Cited

Bucaille, Maurice. 1979. The Bible, The Quran and Science. American Trust Publications.
p 107-109.
Clark, J.O.E. 1994. Matter and Energy: Physics in Action. Oxford University Press. P 30,
Hawking, Stephen. 2001. The Universe in a Nutshell. Bantam Books. Random House
Publications. P 22, 76.
Hawking/Mlodinow. 2010. The Grand Design. Bantam Books. Random House
Publications. P 32, 124, 125, 157, 180, 184.
Hornby. A.S. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary. Oxford University Press. 2000. P
850, 1264

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